Ten Years of Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science

Ten Years of Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science
Part of the cover of the Oceanography special issue. Artwork by Jason Mallett, Consortium for Ocean Leadership

June 17, 2021

A special issue of Oceanography Magazine has been released, highlighting the results of research funded by the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI). This issue is the culmination of a decade of GoMRI research and includes a collection of articles describing the key advances, surprises and novel discoveries for the Gulf of Mexico and other regions where GoMRI's interdisciplinary and collaborative research was conducted and has application. Also included are lessons learned and outstanding research needs and gaps to inform future activities and efforts. 

Within the magazine you can find articles by research consortia leaders and PIs, including ECOGIG's very own Dr. Samantha Joye, Dr. Uta Passow, Dr. Annalisa Bracco, Dr. Jeff Chanton and Dr. Ian MacDonald.

You can access the entire magazine online here - enjoy!


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