Nature's Way Montessori school visit

Nature's Way Montessori school visit
Nature's Way Montessori middle schoolers testing their ROV (remotely operated vehicle) creations. (c) ECOGIG

March 20, 2017

ECOGIG PI Dr. Vernon Asper recently visited Nature's Way Montessori School in Knoxville, TN. He spent an afternoon with the middle school students there, teaching them about the oceans, density & circulation. They all built their own PVC ROVs (remotely operated vehicles), which they took to a water-filled quarry at the Ijams Nature Center the following day. The students tested and modified and re-tested the ROVs, all while learning about buoyancy, thrust & balance. They also tested a SeaGlide glider (made for scientific research) which worked perfectly! They also used a VideoRay ROV to explore the quarry, diving to about 70 feet maximum and seeing, to no ones’ surprise, rocks! A great time was had by everyone!

More photos from the event can be viewed here.


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