Team Member Information

Dr. Samantha Joye

Dr. Samantha JoyeProject Director
University of Georgia


Dr. Joye holds the Athletic Association Distinguished Professorship in Arts and Sciences in the Department Marine Sciences at UGA. She is a microbial geochemist by training and her expertise lies in quantifying rates of microbial hydrocarbon metabolism and environmental geochemical signatures in natural environments. Her group has developed new methods and technologies that permit quantification of microbial processes under quasi in situ conditions. She has studied Gulf of Mexico natural seeps for 20 years and has tracked the environmental fate of oil and gas released from the Macondo blowout since May 2010.

Research Themes

Biogeochemical Studies

Microbial Community Dynamics











Students and Post-Docs

Banegas, Stacey

Barron, Colt

Choi, Hannah

DeLeon, Andrea

Dorhmi, Nora

Fields, Lindsey

Harrison, Sarah

Malkin, Sairah

Montgomery, Andy

Nigro, Lisa

Pena-Montenegro, Tito

Rahmany, Omama

Rogener, Mary-Kate

Shepard, Cathrine

Sibert, Ryan

Vizurraga, Anna

Waters, Samantha

Zhuang, Guangchao


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